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Showing posts from June, 2019

9lbs, 10oz!

Eleanor is quickly growing out of newborn clothing and moving into 0-3 months. Everything I think will be huge on her ends up fitting quite well, and it is both very exciting and very sad. Eleanor has entered the last three weeks of her steroid regimen, and her dose is weaned every Tuesday and Friday! Eleanor is mildly in love with her unicorn toy (thank you, Lydia!). Her face lights up when she sees it and she will occasionally bat at it. All the other toys spark minimal interest. She has been seen playing with her pulse-ox and heart rate monitor wires. It’s too bad they don’t make toys like that! She m ost definitely has big, beautiful, brown eyes. Her h air is growing like a weed; it's still a toss-up as to what color it will be. Some days it looks blonde, some days dark brown, some days it has a reddish tint to it. She still has two major bald spots from where her head was shaved to accommodate IVs. She just went two days with no poops and was very upset about this...