Eleanor has had a productive week, to say the least. She began a course of antibiotics on Monday post pneumonia diagnosis. Initially, she was given Cefepime and Vancomycin (both bacteria-killing antibiotics), until her blood cultures and urine cultures came back negative and she was switched from the Vancomycin (too much of this antibiotic can cause toxicity and must be monitored) to Ampicillin. She has responded very well to the antibiotics and has weaned back to her original pressure settings and sits comfortably at 30% oxygen all day. She is not allowed to wean below 30%, even if her pulse ox level suggests she should be bumped down. The doctors want to keep her comfortable and not force her to work hard. She did, however, need to have a midline IV inserted, as her teeny uncooperative veins kept blowing through regular IVs (I think she was on her third one come Wednesday morning...a mere three days into her antibiotics). This is a soft catheter that is placed in the vein. It is much...