Today's post is a twofer. Yesterday started out well enough. Mom and Dad got a bit of hands-on time with Eleanor with her lid off. Things stayed mostly good until about 3pm. El's blood pressure was low yesterday. She was at 25, but because of her hypertension, she should have been in at least the 40-50 range (normal for babies is 25-30). A surgeon was called in to remove the chest tubes in her right side and replace them with a larger tube, usually used on bigger kids. The tubes that were already placed in her right side were not sucking the air out of the right lung as they should have been. Because of the procedure and the low blood pressure, she was given steroids to help her out, and subsequently her blood sugar went back up. Between yesterday and today, she's had just a spot of insulin to get her blood glucose level back down, and it is already down from this morning. She'll have another BGT (blood glucose test) at about 9pm tonight just to ensure that nu...